Many times we do not register trademarks because we do not know how to do it. Or, because we think that the investment that we must make is excessive for our budget or for the use that we are going to give to it. In previous posts, we have explained how to register a trademark y where to register marks at national and international level. But … do we know how much it costs to register a trademark in Spain? And an international brand?
To carry out the registration of a trademark, it is necessary to take into account where to register trademarks, because depending on whether it is national or international, the investment will be different. The trademark registration fee is very varied, so the difference is found in the services offered by the registration company.
Leadermark, patents and trademarks, as the official company in registering patents and trademarks in Spain and internationally is in charge of processing all the necessary documentation to achieve a successful registration.
How much does it cost to register a trademark in Spain
If the registration is to be made for a national brand, the cost (VAT included) will be € 262. Said investment is for the registration of a single class. The cost of applying and processing the trademark registration includes: administrative fees, professional fees, withdrawal of the title, surveillance notices, follow-up of the files during the first 10 years until renewal indefinitely, as well as cliches and publication in the Official Industrial Property Bulletin.
How much does it cost to register an international trademark
If the registration is to be made for a European Union trademark, the cost (VAT included) will be € 971. This cost includes all the application procedures, administrative fees, professional fees, surveillance notices, withdrawal of the title, monitoring of the file during the first 10 years and publication in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property.
Registration of patents and industrial design
If, on the other hand, you want to register a patent in Spain, its price is different, since it is not only about the price of the patent but also the maintenance fees regarding patent granting rights. We advise you to visit our website. In it you can find in detail thefees for registering a patent in Europe. Like the fees for maintaining the rights of a patent.
In addition, you can know specifically the cost of the search service, the registration, opposition and renewal fee for industrial designs.
Remember that the procedures for registering trademarks, patents, industrial designs … must be carried out by a specialist, since although they are simple procedures, it is better to have experts.
So don’t hesitate to get in contact with Lidermark , Patents and trademarks, official registrars with experience to carry out the entire process of registering trademarks, patents, industrial designs … and above all to know in detail how much it costs to register a trademark in Spain and around the world.
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