Are you thinking of registering a trademark in other countries? You do not know how to carry out this registration, or what the conditions, terms will be … From Lidermark, the official registry of patents and trademarks at a national and international level, we have decided to resolve this question that concerns a large part of our clients:

How can I protect my brand abroad?

The answer is that this trademark registration can be carried out for the same product by the same owner in different countries, up to the world. All of this can be done in the following 3 ways.

  1. Directly

Performing in each country the requests to register trademarks. It is an expensive task and therefore it is usually the least interesting for our clients. As expert registrars, we consider that the registration of a trademark should be a simple process both to carry out and to understand, and in this way the time factor would be very high.

2. European Union mark

Through this type of trademark registration you get protection at European level, that is to say, it allows, through a single application, to register a trademark in Germany, France … Achieving protection in the 28 EU member states.

3. International Brand

The main requirement to register a trademark internationally, that is, worldwide, is that the trademark is registered at the national or community level, previously.
This procedure allows, thanks to the Madrid System, that through a single application you can obtain protection in many countries. That is to say, make an application at the SPTO and this make the transfer to the WIPO, the registration having the same effects as if the application were submitted in each of the countries. The only impediment is that each of the countries to which registration is requested must be approved, thus running the risk of being denied.


At Lidermark, we believe that registering an international trademark is the best option to achieve global protection. That is why we are going to detail which is the application procedure for the registration of an international trademark. The application can be made by both natural and legal persons whose nationality is Spanish, whose domicile is in Spain or who have a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in Spain. In the case of an international trademark, the owner must be the same owner and the product or service that are included among those requested or granted in the national trademark. And the registration procedure involves 3 phases:

  • Before the office of origin, that is, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. It receives the application and makes a formal examination in which it is verified that the established data coincide with those of the national patent.
  • Once the first phase is expected, we move on to the second, this is before the World Intellectual Property Organization, in this another formal examination is carried out and the brand with an international number is published.
  • The third phase is before the National Office of each requested country, which decides whether or not to grant the international trademark.

These are the different options that you can choose if you want to register a trademark internationally. If after reading this article you still have doubts about the procedures, don’t worry, count on us. We facilitate all the procedures, explaining each of the phases but above all accompanying you in all the procedures to achieve a satisfactory trademark registration.